Summer-like sizzle heats up the weekend around the NW

It was just a few days ago we cracked 70 degrees for the first time in 2021-- and now we're seeing 80s on the map all around Western Washington. Heat records fell or were tied in many places around the region. Records fell in Bellingham, Forks, Olympia, and were tied at SeaTac and Hoquiam. 

We're not done with the summer-like heat just yet but the numbers to beat for Sunday are a lot higher and the ridge of high pressure that's kept us so unseasonably warm and sunny is shifting a tad east. It doesn't mean that rain is imminent, but it does mean we'll see a bit more marine influence from the cooler waters of the Pacific Ocean. Normal is now 59 for this part of April and we'll still be well above that the first part of the coming week. 

But as we get into the middle of the week, you'll notice more morning clouds creeping back into the forecast. High temps as a result of this slightly cooler air will mean we'll be in the mild 60s instead of close to 80. Sunday though, will certainly give Saturday a run for the money and I do think some spots in the South Sound and foothills will again hit 80. But, for Seattle-- we'll have to settle for only 19 degrees above normal for this time of the year. 

The one tough part with these several warm days in a row is the pollen counts have spiked into the High and Very High range for tree pollen. Tree pollen typically tapers off in April, but our spring has been on the chilly side overall. We did get our first bit of grass pollen in the air sample at NW Allergy & Asthma Center on Friday, and it will only go up from there as we get into May and the peak of grass pollen which historically happens in June. 

By the end of the week, we'll start to see more clouds by Earth Day on Thursday. It looks like a chance of precipitation is back by Friday and rain at times does look likely for next Saturday at this early peek at next weekend. 

It is unusual to see this kind of warmth in April so I'll finish up with some dad advice: our area waterways in spring VERY cold so be careful getting into the water hypothermia can happen very quickly. Keep kids and pets out of hot and closed vehicles-- on a 75 degree day that car will be 104 in 20 minutes. And hydration and sunscreen are just good ideas as we get into the warmer part of the year around here. -Tim Joyce