'Beware': SeaTac warns people about 'aggressive' owl at park

The city of SeaTac is warning people about an "aggressive" owl at one of its park. 

City officials said people should beware of the owl reported in the area at North SeaTac Park, on Des Moines Memorial Drive South and South128th Street.

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife has been informed.

The city posted a sign at the park that reads: 

"If you must walk past a nest, wave your arms slowly overhead to keep the birds at a distance. Other protective actions include wearing a hat or helmet, or carrying an umbrella." 

No injuries have been reported. 

FOX 13 reached out to WDFW and the department said these incidents are common in Washington and around North America in the fall and spring. 

WDFW said the owl involved may be a Barred Owl or could be a Great Horned Owl. 

"Owls may act territorial in response to perceived disturbances near their nesting sites and within their territories. The change in the photoperiod in the fall (the days getting shorter) and owl mating and nesting in the spring can both lead to more of this behavior than during other times of the year," officials said. 

They also said encounters are most likely at night, during the early morning or late evening hours. 

Owl attacks are "generally" rare and the birds may hoot repeatedly before an attack to warn the person from their territory or nesting area.