WSDOT reminding drivers that Highway 99 tolling begins soon

SEATTLE -- Tolling is set to begin soon on the Highway 99 tunnel in little more than a month, and the Washington Department of Transportation wants to make sure drivers are prepared.

The department kicked off phase two of the awareness campaign Monday with tips to avoid paying higher toll rates.

WSDOT recommends everyone get a Good To Go pass to save money, even if you only use the tunnel occasionally.

“As we've seen in the past when new facilities begin tolling, we see that drivers try alternate routes for the first few days or weeks so there could be some challenges when tolling in tunnel begins,” Jennifer Charlebois with WSDOT said. “The best way to prevent that is to make sure drivers have all the information they can ahead of time.”

Tolling begins November 9 with rates varying depending on the time of day and if commuters have a Good To go pass.

There are still a handful of free sticker passes available online.