Teenager finds some sort of chicken organ in his KFC meal, just wants his $4 back

This is the chicken organ that teenager Manuel Cobarubies found his KFC meal. He thought it looked like a chicken brain. (Photo: FOX40/Sacramento)

STOCKTON, Calif. (FOX40) -- A Stockton, Calif., teenager found what he believed to be a chicken brain in his fast food meal at KFC.

“(It looked) like a brain to me. I mean at that point, red flags were kind of raised,” teenager Manuel Cobarubies, a Stockton High School student, told FOX40 in Sacramento Monday.

He explained he found what looked like a brain alongside his chicken breast, thighs and corn.

“I ended up spitting it in the trash can because I get grossed out by that,” he said.

So the teen tweeted at KFC for an explanation.

“I directly mentioned to them and a bunch of people started tagging them and I guess it kind of raised awareness to them when a lot of people started tagging them in my tweet,” he said.

That tweet made the Internet rounds 226 times. He said KFC did contact him but other than a quick sorry he did not hear back as of Monday morning. All he wanted was a refund.

“As far as what I paid for my meal because I mean my meal didn’t sit too well with me. I think that might be it.”

So FOX40 tweeted KFC and called their corporate headquarters. Hours after the tweet made the rounds, Cobarubies said he got a call from Richard Ramos, a KFC area consultant.

Ramos said the "brain" is actually a kidney or a gizzard and is safe to eat. The teen said he got what he wanted -- his lunch money back. But he may not be returning for a chicken meal anytime soon.

“I’m probably just going to have to start packing my own meals, making my own sandwiches.”