MUST SEE: Grown men recreate 13 family photos from childhood, hilarity ensues

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania - Three grown brothers  were just trying to surprise their mother with something really unique for Christmas.

Now the photos they took in their effort have been seen by millions of people around the world.

Matt MacMillan told WBTV that he and his other two brothers spent a day recreating old family photos and then collecting them in a calendar.

"My mom has asked for calendars for Christmas in the past and my brothers and I enjoy taking goofy pictures and had seen some good reenactment pictures so we figured we would combine the two," MacMillan said. "Plus, it's the gift that keeps on giving all year round."

The photos show the grown men in all kinds of hilarious situations like donning Halloween costumes and even naked in the bath together.

The trio enlisted their dad for help and he too appears in some of the pictures.

As for how their mom reacted?

"She laughed until she cried. My biggest regret is not getting video of her reaction," MacMillan said. "I'm not sure how we top this for next year, although we've all talked about reenacting the same pictures another 20 years from now."

As for how the world now knows of their awesome gift, we can all thank their decision to post the 'then and now' shots on reddit.